Many people fear that losing weight fast is in some way bad or unhealthy for them and they are more comfortable losing weight slower and steadier.

But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to worry at all about that. In fact, losing weight fast is much better for your overall weight loss journey.

Actually, there probably won’t be any type of journey if you strive to lose weight slowly. You will quickly lose motivation if you’re working very hard and progress is happening very slowly.

And even research shows that people who lose weight quickly tend to lose more in the overall process than those who start slow from the beginning. [1]  

So don’t fear losing weight fast, fear being overweight for a longer time than necessary.

Now I want to give you a couple of essential pieces of advice for losing weight fast which, if not taken, will prevent you from achieving your goals.

1. Full Carb Detox

People who start any type of diet usually just start eating fewer calories, meaning they are eating everything that they ate before, just in smaller quantities.

And this definitely has certain levels of success but is powerfully overshadowed by some much better and faster ways to lose weight.

That faster way is to do a complete carbohydrate detoxification. This is a process of getting rid of carbs in your system and making your body switch to a process of rapid fat burning.

You can expect very fast results doing this as in the first week you can expect around 5 pounds of water weight to be gone from your body.

This will do a healthy reset in your body and your body will become naturally more prone to losing weight instead of gaining it.

So if you’re NOT eating carbs, then you should be eating something else. Well, that something else are PROTEINS AND HEALTHY FATS.

Here are some examples of the foods you should eat: chicken, eggs, beef, pork, turkey, tuna, salmon, various nuts and natural dairy products etc.

Click here for a good list of this type of foods. 

And those proteins should be mixed with or cooked in high-quality fats like extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.

Don’t be afraid of fats. High-quality fats balance your hormones and create a better blood flow.

Some food with high-quality fats include avocados, chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, fatty fish like tuna or salmon, and even dark chocolate.

So yes, weight loss can be tasty as well ;)

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Here’s also a list of some healthy low carb vegetables which should be a part of your diet:

Foods for that: spinach, lettuce, kale, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage etc.  Check out this Diet Doctor’s article fora more comprehensive list.


Your focus should be on how a particular food makes you feel, and that is how it makes your body feel, not your mouth.

When you eat something tasty, but not healthy, you’re going to have consequences, both physical and psychological.

After you eat that tasty burger, soon you’ll feel sluggish and fatigued and you’ll feel terrible for breaking your diet. 

So don’t eat FEWER chips. Don’t eat ANY chips. Or burgers. Or French toasts. Or sugars.

Instead, think about eating high-quality foods mentioned previously.

So think about how you’ll feel after you eat something and how your body will feel.

Whenever you have a craving for something bad, you can ask yourself:

How will I feel after eating this?

Sure, at the moment it feels good in your mouth, but the feeling of guilt and lack of good-will you have later on is not worth it.

You can keep a journal of the foods you eat and keep track of the nutrients you put in your body on a daily basis.

And of course, you can treat yourself every once in a while, but focus on eating on good, high-quality foods during your carb detox.

3. Stay hydrated

Water helps to flush you out. That means flushing out toxins which slow down your weight loss process.

We constantly lose water from our body in the form of perspiration, urine and bowel movements. Even when breathing we’re losing dehydrating.

Optimum dosage of water per day is 30 milliliters or 1 fluid ounce per one kg (approx. 2 pounds) of body weight.

If you exercise, that number should go up for about half a liter per an hour of exercise.

Sometimes, drinking water can create a feeling of fullness and prevent you from succumbing to your cravings.

Enough water also keeps you properly hydrated and that gives you energy which you can spend, let’s say… in the gym. And it removes the need to drink those sugar-filled sports drinks.

Speaking about gym…

4. Exercise

After you’ve done the detox process, you HAVE to start exercising.

The reason why is because carb detox slows down your metabolism, and that happens becase, well, you’re just eating much less than before.

So in order to bring your metabolism up to speed, you should incorporate a regular workout time in your schedule. 

It’s good if you begin with 3 times per week. You can start out slow, like walking regularly and maybe a light jog and then increase the quantity and intensity as you progress.

And also it good to mention that you should not exercise WHILE you’re doing the detox.

Why? Well, having a strict eating regime is hard enough, let alone forcing yourself to do any strenuous physical activity. It will just prove to be too much for you.

And as mentioned, cardio increases metabolism so you’re going to have cravings which will be hard to neglect and keep eating healthy.

So after you’re done with the detox and you’ve managed to lose some significant amount of weight, start exercising to recover your metabolism and also to keep off the weight you’ve gotten rid of.

And finally…

5. Get enough sleep

Sleep is very important for your general life quality but if you’re on a weight loss journey, sleep plays one of the most important roles.

It helps you watch your eating regime. Enough sleep actually reduced cravings and helps you stay focused on your weight loss goals.

People who don’t sleep enough have a tendency to do lots of binge eating while in front of the TV late at night. So go to bed early and you’ll feel much better.

It also keeps your hormones balanced and that is really, really important. Properly balanced hormones are the key to successful weight loss and a healthy body.

And you’ll have more energy not only to keep doing what you’ve been doing so far but do more and more each day!

And remember, a healthy lifestyle is just that, a healthy LIFESTYLE. It’s not something that you do once and then forget about it.

It requires a change of mind and a positive view of your health and body.

Keep this 5 pieces of advice in mind and keep working until you reach that lifestyle change!

Good luck! 

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