Losing 100+ pounds is not easy business. That's a goal for high determined individuals.

But I'm sure that's exactly who you are.

If you've set that kind of goal, you absolutely must have an iron-clad plan that you're going to stick to and that will help you to get to where you want to be.

And once you get there, you’ll feel better than ever before. You will feel healthy and happy.

It's hard to maintain good habits. You might have already tried doing this before but only wound up losing a little bit of weight and fell off the wagon.

That's probably because you only trusted your own motivation. And in most cases, that's just not enough.

First you have to get your mind right and start realizing that you’re in this for the long run and that along the way there will be challenges that you will have to face.

You will have to consistently cut a certain amount of calories, keep your emotions under control and not feel frustrated because of the lack of your desired food.

A bit of good advice is to keep a photo diary of your meals because our memory tends to become very lazy when it comes to the food we eat. So take pictures of your meals and that will help you decide on what and how much you will eat next.

You can also use apps like My Fitness Pal to track which and much food you eat. You can also set a weight loss goal and track your progress.

You need a solid and proper plan to help you know the exact step-by-step process of losing 100+ lb.

Well, this article is designed to help you achieve exactly that. So follow along and learn what you have to do to achieve your dream goal.

So let's see which 5 basic steps in your diet are needed to achieve that goal...

1. Full Carb detox

If you’re having goosebumps because you’re thinking that you’re going to have to cut carbs completely form your lives, you can relax.

This carb detox is just for a while.

It’s designed to let the body turn its fat-burning switch on. And this is a process that lasts for a little bit, but not too long.

There are many negative effects of highly processed foods with large carb percentage. The food is processed so much that the amount of carbs we’re putting in our bodies is too much for the body to handle and so our insulin and hormone levels are all out of balance.

So when you take carbs out of the equation you can start slowly healing your body and reversing the negative effects.

Your metabolism speeds up allowing you to burn calories faster and also your insulin and blood sugar levels improve, as well as gut health.

You can choose whether to cut carbs completely from your diet, or you can just lower the number of carbs in your diet. The choice is yours but remember that cutting carbs completely will produce effects much sooner.

And you have to do this for at least a week for the results to show.

A really, really important factor in a carb detox process is to cut out sugar! But this is something you should really incorporate in your normal lifestyle, not just for a brief period of time.

Natural sugar appears in many foods so it’s not possible to get rid of sugar completely. But added refined sugars are really bad as they are the main source of carbs and calories.

We tend to put sugar in every cup of coffee and add it to all our desserts and that way we are putting lots of it in our bodies throughout the day. Also, when we buy certain foods, they can be stuffed with sugar and we don’t even know it.

So in order to get rid of those added types of sugars in your life, you would have to perform a complete change of lifestyle, because that is the only way your mind won’t be thinking of sugar as much.

So just acquire new healthy eating habits and your body will naturally stop craving that refined sugar with time.

Sugar craving will always exist, but it will be much easier to bear and you will be able to keep things under control.

Also, avoid packaged foods. They are also processed foods and they are very harmful.

They are filled with salt, extra additives and the dressing usually has over 400 calories!

You can get a salad, of course, but check the label, the ingredients and avoid anything with sugar, corn syrup, too much fat, and hydrogenated oils.

2. Eat lots of high-quality protein

Since you’re cutting out carbs, you need something to keep you feeling full.

Good, quality protein comes into play here. It is also the basic constituent for building muscle mass and that will also increase the fat-burning properties of your body.

Some great animal-based protein sources include eggs, grass-fed lean beef, chicken breast, turkey, salmon, halibut, tuna, and cottage cheese.

But you can also eat high-protein plant-based protein like lentils, hemp, pumpkin seeds, brussels sprouts, chia seeds, quinoa, peanuts, almonds, oats, buckwheat, etc.

Other great sources of protein are of course eggs and white dairy products like Greek yogurt, of course with the least amount of sugar in it.

So these protein-rich foods will help you both lose weight and feel full at the same time.

3. Eat a big breakfast

It’s really important to start your day filling your body with a good, high-protein meal, which is usually the solid and warm food that makes you full and subsides hunger for a longer period of time.

A good ratio is about 400 calories with a minimum of 25 grams of protein.

4. Eat plenty of vegetables

This is because vegetables contain lots of water and eating food with high-water content has been proven by research to help reduce waist size and lower body weight. So basically, you can eat as many vegetables as you’d like and still lose a serious amount of weight.

Also, the water makes you feel fuller faster so you end up not eating so much.

And if vegetables are boring to you, you can prepare them in a way that it becomes tasty and easier to eat like roasting them rather than boil them.

Here are some ways to improve the taste of your vegetables without adding fat or calories:
  • try new ones, meaning going to the market and picking out new vegetables that you haven’t yet tried or haven’t tried in a long time and especially those which are in season
  • air fry, roast or grill the vegetables to get a delicious, smoky, bbq-ed flavor
  • put them in olive oil, wine or chicken stock
  • add herbs and spices by grabbing those that add taste to your most favorite foods like oregano, cumin, tarragon, curry or your other favorite spices

If you’d like, you can check out this awesome and informative article by Whole Foods blog about vegetables.

Speaking of whole foods…

5. Eat whole foods

Any type of diet, whether it be low-fat or low-carb that allows processed food is not good in the long run because it just doesn’t keep you full for a long period of time.

Processed foods lose their nutritional value and they are filled with calories. So things like fiber and water go away with processed foods, and those are keeping you full.

Whole foods, unlike what many people think, are just unprocessed foods or processed very minimally. They don’t have to be extremely expensive or grown in any special way.

This means that these foods are in their natural state, the way they are grown naturally.

These include fresh fruits and vegetables, raw, unprocessed meats, whole grain products, nuts, etc.

Our bodies were designed to run on these types of foods the best. They help you eliminate toxins, they help your metabolism and help in different positive processes your body goes through to keep itself healthy.

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