There has been a saying in the 14th century by the doctors of the 'Schola Medica Salernitana': "Why does a man die when there is sage growing in his garden?

And truly, garden sage has from ancient times been regarded as a must-have herb of every garden, because of its tremendous healing benefits.

Pedanius Dioscorides, a Greek physician, and botanist used it for many diseases, such as bleeding, fevers, bladder stones etc.

There is a record of thieves in the 17th century who, during the plague, stole from corpses without getting infected. They achieved this by putting sage, thyme, lavender, rosemary and in certain cases some garlic in vinegar and rubbing themselves with it.

Savior of health

Sage is an herb from the family of mints (Latin: Lamiaceae) along with thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, lavender, and many others.

It originates from the shores and the islands of the Mediterranian.

Today it is cultivated in many other parts of the world, which makes it available pretty much everywhere.

Its Latin, or botanical name, really represents its qualities. The name 'Salvia' represents meaning 'to save/to heal' and 'officinalis' is a name given also to many other herbs meaning it has medicinal properties.

But let's move on to what we really want to know. How can this herb benefit our health?

Well, let's see:

Health benefits

1. Diabetes

Sage has been proven by research as a remedy for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Research suggests that it has the ability to improve insulin activity in the body, lower blood glucose levels with anti-hyperglycemic and lipid profile improving effects, as well as lower cholesterol levels.

2. Alzheimer's disease

Acetylcholine, the brain's chemical messenger, is being broken down by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Sage inhibits that enzyme and therefore increases the brain's memory and cognitive function.

This has been proven by several studies where both healthy adults and Alzheimer's patients showed an increase in brain function.

This proves sage's efficiency in managing not severe cases, but mild to moderate cases of Alzheimer's disease.

3. Antioxidant

Any herb that can serve as an antioxidant is worth examining.

Free radicals, responsible for cellular mutation can cause some of the most devastating damage to the human body (e.g. cancer).

Rosmarinic acid, along with other sage compounds such as apigenin and luteolin, helps strengthen cell membranes and prevent free radicals from affecting the cells.

4. Skin ailments

Certainly, very good news for teenagers and all those who suffer from acne is that sage contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help treat many skin ailments and improve skin health, including acne, ulcers, wounds, burns, eczema etc.

Topical products can be purchased and applied regularly for all the mentioned ailments.

5. Digestive disorders

Sage contains the ability to improve the flow of bile, improve appetite, relieve stomach spasms, indigestion, gastritis, prevent diarrhea, improve pancreas function, reduce or prevent gas etc.

It is mainly because of rosmarinic acid, to which many of sage's health benefits can be attributed because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

For improved digestion, drink a cup of sage tea after every meal.

6. Inflammation

A very common use of sage is gargling the tea.

It contains antibacterial along with anti-inflammatory properties so it is great for throat and mouth inflammations, but it can also treat dental problems, as well as respiratory issues.

It can be used in the form of essential oil or tincture.

It can also be used to treat other types of inflammation such as rheumatism (arthritis) and gout.

7. Hair loss

Beta-sitosterol, a compound which is widely known for treating baldness, can be extracted from sage, most commonly in the form of essential oil.

It also contains many other nutrients and minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc and vitamins A, B and C, which makes it a highly efficient herb for beauty and hair treatment.

Often combined with its sister herb rosemary, it serves as one of the most efficient herb duos for hair loss.

8. Menopausal ailments

Sage is a great hormone stabilizer or balancer, therefore as it helps with menstruating ailments in younger women, it also helps with menopausal ailments in women who have entered a later period of life.

Hot flashes are the most common menopausal symptom that sage elevates.

Also, it is beneficial to combine sage with alfalfa for increased help with menopausal symptoms such as night sweats.

Here is a more extensive list of Sage's powers:

  • helps with sore throats
  • enhances blood circulation
  • strengthens the nervous system
  • increases concentration
  • sharpens the senses
  • improves alertness
  • executive function
  • cognitive performance
  • treats anemia
  • nervousness
  • depression
  • inflamed gums
  • rheumatism
  • menstrual ailments
  • drying up mothers milk
  • improves memory
  • prevents excess sweating
  • prevents vomit and diarrhea
  • helps the stomach and the intestines
  • induces urination
  • relieves cramps
  • helps with migraines
  • lowers body temperature
  • anti-diabetic
  • heals wounds
  • regenerates tissue
  • anti-caries
  • helps with skin ailments(ulcers, burns, pimples..)
  • treats hair loss
  • helps with Alzheimer's disease
  • treats amenorrhea
  • extracts can enhance cognitive performance similar to the effect of caffeine

If you want to prepare it properly, here are some suggestions:

  • For external use(lotion, shampoo, compress for wounds etc.):

A ¾ handful(60g) of leaves and flowers on a liter/quart of water and cook for 5 minutes for external use

  • Wine for strength and vigor:

Pour 1l of boiling red wine over a handful of sage; leave for 15 minutes; drain and sweeten by desire(drink small glass during meals, one before bedtime)

  • Healing liquor:

Put a half-handful of sage in ½ liter/quart of schnapps, leave for a week to get a delicious, scented liquor, filled with medicinal properties (drink one teaspoon a day or use externally on painful spots)

  • Tea:  

Pour 1 liter/quart of hot water over 1/4  handful(20-25g)  of  dried  herb and drink:

1. a cup after meals for better digestion  
2. a cup before bedtime to treat insomnia

Couple words of caution:

- Sage may cause allergic reactions for those allergic to the plants from the mint family
- may be poisonous if taken in large dosages because it contains thujone
- pregnant women should not use sage because it can cause miscarriage

Always consult your doctor before taking any additional herbal supplements as they may interact with your medications.

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