Milk thistle, also known as Mary thistle or Holy thistle, belongs to the family of daisies and sunflowers (Latin: Asteraceae).

It is the same family where chamomile belongs, as well as yarrow, dandelion, marigold and basically all plants with daisy and sunflower-like flowers.

Milk thistle originates from the Mediterranian, but today it can be found in many other parts of the planet because of all its amazing benefits people found out about.

The Latin name for it is “Sylibum marianum” and it’s interesting how it came to be. ‘Sylibum’ comes from the Greek word ‘Silybon’ meaning a tassel or tuft, because of the tuft-like purple flower on top. 

Marianum, on the other hand, comes from Latin, and it has something to do with the belief that Virgin Mary dropped her milk on the plant while nursing her baby on the way to Egypt. 

That’s why, according to the belief, milk thistle has white stains along the lines on the leaves. Thus the other names, Mary, and Holy thistle.

Health Benefits

1. Liver

Milk thistle is widely known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is most commonly used in treating liver problems and to detoxify the body, or in other words to help the liver out.

The liver has a hard time processing all the toxins which impact us on a daily basis like those in processed foods or radiation from the air in this modern telecom era.

So milk thistle plays an important role in boosting liver function and helping out with detoxification of our body.

2. Diabetes

Recent research showed that milk thistle can benefit diabetes patients by improving their insulin and blood sugar levels, of course along with taking standard medication.

Silymarin, milk thistle's main compound, plays an important role in this process, because of its antioxidative effect on the liver.

3. Cancer

By improving our immune system, anti-oxidative properties of silymarin are preventing the growth of cancer cells.

Silybin, an active constituent within silymarin, is responsible for strengthening the cells, or in other words, creating a protective layer around them and thus protecting them from various toxins.

Also, oxidation within our body creates ‘free radicals’ which can be harmful so silybin helps protect the body in that area as well.

4. Cholesterol

Studies have shown that milk thistle has an ability to lower cholesterol levels, which is great news for your heart, along with the fact that it has anti-inflammatory properties because inflammation is also a common cause for heart diseases.

This can prevent both heart attack and a stroke if you suffer from high LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

5. Alcohol Cirrhosis

Milk thistles benefits on the liver are something to consider if you suffer from alcoholic cirrhosis.

It helps the liver by reducing inflammation, detoxifying and regenerating the cells. Research showed improvement in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis along with patients with other liver diseases.

It is recommended to start treatment in the early stages of the disease because it may no longer be effective after it becomes advanced.

6. Hepatitis

Research still lacks evidence to confirm that milk thistle can aid hepatitis c patients.
But, regarding hepatitis A and B, there have been positive results in treating these diseases, mostly because of silymarins anti-inflammatory properties.

Research has shown improvement in certain liver enzyme levels, such as AST an ALT with hepatitis A and B patients. Still, more research is needed before any definite conclusions can be made.

7. Gallstones

Gallstones can become a very painful problem if not treated properly.

Research suggests that milk thistle has the ability to reduce these stones and prevent them from forming by reducing the amount of cholesterol that enters the bile and expanding the bile acid quantity which dissolves free cholesterol.

8. Allergies and Asthma

Since I started using milk thistle for my pollen allergy, I have experienced how beneficial it can be, specifically the seeds.

By taking 2-3 teaspoons of ground milk thistle seeds a day with a cup of water, my allergies have nearly disappeared. Also, because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is possible to treat allergic asthma.

9. Alzheimer's Disease

Another anti-oxidative benefit of milk thistle is that it helps to increase cognitive function, improves memory and prevents memory loss. This can be beneficial for all generations but elderly people can perhaps benefit the most from it, especially those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

Certain studies have shown that milk thistle can reduce the effects and even in some cases reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease by improving cognitive function and reducing the brain plaque formation.

10. Motion Sickness

If you suffer from this problem, try putting a leaf, pinch of seeds and a small piece of root in a liter of water, then cook for a couple of minutes. Afterward, drain, pour in a cup, add a little honey and drink before your trip. Enjoy the sights!

11. Infections & Wounds

Put 10-20 pinches of fresh or dried leaves on 1l/apx. 1 quart of water and apply externally


Excessive use may cause: nausea, upset stomach, bloating, gas, diarrhea, rash, (may interact with other medication)

Should not use if: pregnant, breastfeeding, have a ragweed allergy, fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer

Always consult your doctor before taking any medical supplements.

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